Leadership Masterclass + Keynote Speaker: International Conference
Corrinne Armour Keynote Session: Fearless Leadership – 12 ways to derail your leadership fast
As leaders, we act with the best intentions. But what happens when our inside intentions are not reflected to others by our external behaviour? It’s harder to influence upwards, our teams don’t respond well, our career can stall… We can be derailed very fast!
Consider the leader whose intention to support his team and maintain a high standard is seen by his line manager and his team as micromanaging. Performance suffers. Derailed!
Corrinne gives speed overviews of the 12 leadership derailers, eliciting laughter, insight and sometimes uncomfortable squirms as people recognise themselves and others. Drawing from her book ‘Developing Direct Reports: Taking the guesswork out of leading leaders’, Corrinne shares immediately actionable insights to aid you in reaching your leadership potential.
Corrinne Armour Leadership Masterclass: Growing Leaders – Taking the guesswork out of developing and interacting with others
Developing star performers is easy – get out of their way and let them shine. Developing leaders to move past common leadership derailers can be much more challenging. A new kind of leader is required.
Human behaviour is complex. Connecting people with their potential requires more than excellent technical skills. It requires strong people skills. But how do you become one of these leaders?
Struggling with a micromanager? Not sure how to help a leader become more strategic? Have a leader on your team who is a people burner? Or conflict averse? Help is at hand!
The focus of this Masterclass is on recognising and responding to the twelve leadership derailers in other people, whilst of course learning about yourself!
About Corrinne….
Waging a war on wasted potential, Corrinne’s mission is to spark people to play their big game.
Corrinne has held leadership roles in the corporate world, and she’s well versed in leadership theory. Yet some of her greatest wisdom (and best stories) come from living and working in a jungle refugee camp on the edge of a war zone. Married to an ex-freedom fighter and mother of two daughters, she knows firsthand the practicalities of juggling multiple priorities and perspectives.
Corrinne is a leader of leaders. She has inspired trailblazers to perform at their best by discovering hidden talents that serve to uplift and unite even the most disparate of teams. Known for her provocative and yet empathetic approach, results focus and the ability to tell it like it is, Corrinne empowers leaders and teams to embrace Fearless Leadership.
Working with Corrinne is for those who are ready to get out of their own way and fulfil their potential.
Recognised as a provoker of change and growth, Corrinne shows leaders how to release the human potential in their careers, teams and organisations. Her messages are grounded in the competing realities of the workplace and the challenges of being a leader.
Corrinne is co-author of ‘Developing Direct Reports: Taking the guesswork out of leading leaders’ and ‘Cracking the Code for Workshop Performance’. Her next book ’Leaders who Ask: Building Fearless Cultures by telling less and asking more’ is due out in early 2018.
Register today
Register HERE for the 2018 International Conference at Sky City, Auckland New Zealand.
This is a premier opportunity to learn new skills, network internationally with people who do the same work as you and develop your career!
We’d like every member to be able to attend this fantastic professional opportunity but we realise this might be more difficult for some institutions. The Board has facilitated a Scholarship Program of $500 per delegate available through each Chapter. For more details, please download the application form HERE.
We have secured discounted accommodation and flight rates which are exclusive to the attendees of the Educate Plus International 2018 Conference. Be sure to book early through this booking form to secure your room and negotiated rates at the host venue and nearby. Click Here for flight and accommodation bookings.