Educate Plus

The Mind of a Leader (Part 2)

The Mind of a Leader (Part 2)

Written by Danielle Hargrove | Marketing & Communications Lead, Educate Plus | 25 January 2024

PART 2 of 3:

While “The Mind of a Leader” (Hougaard and Carter) first and foremost explores the concept of Self-Leadership, (the first level of leadership discussed in last week’s Leadership Blog) the book also explores the vital dimension of Relational Leadership.

This second level of leadership centres on the interpersonal dynamics and relationships within a team or organisation, and the importance of developing the key leadership characteristics which create a positive and collaborative team culture where individuals feel valued, supported, and connected, and which contribute to a healthy and productive work environment.

The skills and behaviours needed to master the components of Relational Leadership, include the following:

  • Effective Communication
  • Empathy
  • Collaboration
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Trust Building
  • Interpersonal Infludence
  • Cultural Competence

        Relational Leadership

        1. Effective Communication
        • Emphasising the significance of open and honest communication
        • Fostering an environment where team members feel heard and understood.
        • Developing a culture of continual coaching and feedback
        1. Empathy
        • Cultivating empathy to understand and relate to the emotions and perspectives of others
        • Recognising the individual needs and concerns of team members
        • Building connections through a genuine understanding of others’ experiences
        1. Collaboration
        • Encouraging teamwork and collaboration among team members
        • Creating a culture that values collective efforts and shared goals
        • Leveraging diverse strengths and skills within the team
        1. Conflict Resolution
        • Developing strategies for addressing and resolving conflicts constructively
        • Promoting a positive approach to handling disagreements and differences
        • Building a culture where conflicts are seen as opportunities for growth and improvement
        1. Trust Building
        • Establishing trust through consistency, reliability, and authenticity
        • Demonstrating integrity and ethical behavior
        • Creating a transparent leadership style, based on truth and responsibility
        1. Interpersonal Influence
        • Understanding the art of persuasion and influence within a team
        • Inspiring and motivating others to align with a shared vision
        • Leveraging interpersonal skills to drive positive change
        1. Cultural Competence
        • Recognising and appreciating diversity within the team
        • Creating an inclusive and culturally competent environment.
        • Valuing and leveraging different perspectives for organisational success.

        These 7 components for the second level of leadership (Relational Leadership) build on the 6 components of Self-Leadership (Self-Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness, Resilience, Integrity and Personal Development), and combine to contribute to the elements of Organisational Leadership – which will be discussed in next week’s blog!


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