Bursary Application_NZ Leaders Workshop HomeCampaignBursary Application_NZ Leaders Workshop Bursary Application Application for bursaries for NZ Leaders Training Bursary InformationBursaries will be available on a financial needs basis for members. To ensure support is offered to those less advantaged institutions, Educate Plus is offering needs based bursaries or $160, for the NZ Executive Leaders’ Advancement Workshop. Once completed click the Submit button to send to Neil McWhannell, Educate Plus CEO.Name* First Last PhoneInstitution Name/ Chapter* Length of Educate Plus membershipTime in educational Advancement Please confirm that you are an Educate Plus member?*YesNoCriteria: Please select which applies to you (you may select more than one).* Institutional PD budget is limited I am in a regional or remote institution I will not be able to attend unless I receive some financial assistance Summary of your application*Please supply a summary of why you are applying (up to 300 words). Please include details of the financial constraint preventing you from attending and what you hope to gain from attending the training.