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Ailene Hlaing

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  • in reply to: Instagram Music #35491
    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    Ben Sound is my go-to. You’ll just need to credit the artist which is not a problem.

    I also use Canva to create our social media artwork/reels/vids etc and there are heaps of free music there.

    in reply to: School Newsletters #35453
    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    Hi Kirsten,
    I’ll need to find out from our Accounts team but I’m assuming that it wouldn’t be a lot as we also host our website and Parent/Carer Handbook with the same agency (CI Marketing).

    in reply to: School Newsletters #35415
    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    We worked with an external agency to create a template via SendHQ. Similar to Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor etc. The subscriber lists also syncs to our school’s family database every night.

    in reply to: Printed school calendars #35335
    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    Hi there
    We do DL-size fridge magnets that marks out the commencement dates, NSW public holidays and school holidays. We give these out either end of Term 4 or beginning of the school year with their student diaries.

    in reply to: School Prospectus #35193
    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    Hi there,
    We do both print and digital. I may be old school but I still feel a Prospectus is a nice touch especially when trying to summarise the school’s offerings. Useful at expos and College tours.

    For digital, we make this available on our website via a gated content – ie. they need to submit their details in order to download it as a lead generating tool.

    in reply to: Reunions #34911
    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    We are a school 22 years young. We have the same attendance/interest – we get about 120-150 turnout at our Collegian/Alumni events. Our staff play a big part in keeping in touch with graduates and getting them to attend to these annual events.

    We have a dedicated Collegian/Alumni FB page to manage/keep our graduates informed.

    in reply to: School Fete’s #34740
    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    We do a “Spring Fair” every 2 years, whereby the College and wider communities are invited. We’re actually in the process of organising it for November this year. This is organised by our P&F Association.

    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    Depends on the event.

    If it’s College tour or events where the families are not enrolled at the school yet, we use EnrolHQ.

    For other events (fundraisers etc) we use Humanitix to track tickets/attendance. We also send a reminder a week out from Edumate (also linked to the mobile app).

    in reply to: Running separate social media channels #34092
    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    This is also what I have done at the College. Social Media is public-facing platform and I think many schools forget this (audience) – unless it’s a private account. Having separate accounts will just be a disaster waiting to happen!

    All social media posts are monitored and managed by Marketing, carefully curated and promoted.

    in reply to: Email Marketing Platforms #33814
    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    Hi Brigitte,

    We use SendHQ which is a custom platform created for us by our agency. It works the same as Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor. Subscriber lists are linked to our current student/parent platform (Edumate) and syncs every night. From the same platform, we can build out the newsletter – we created a standard template to ensure consistent branding etc.

    Our newsletters are managed by marketing only so there’s greater control and consistency.

    in reply to: Online Directories #33784
    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    At the moment, none. With our (limited) marketing budget spend, I found Google Ads (paid & organic), social media and word-of-mouth to be the most lead-generating sources. Local business partnership is something I’d like to work on further this year as we have such an amazing community. We did a rebrand last year so working through that is the main focus at the moment and to ensure everything is consistent.

    in reply to: Ticketing Systems #33478
    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    Hi there,
    We switched from Try Booking to Humanitix which we’ve been using for a couple of years. Their customer service is fantastic; easy to set-up events; seating maps are easy to customise.

    Like all booking sites, they do charge a % for every ticket sale so just make sure you account for that when pricing your event tickets.

    in reply to: Student Photos for Marketing and Publications #33244
    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    Hi Melissa,

    We do have a form, however, our head office is currently reviewing all forms (there are 18 schools) to make it more consistent across the board. I’ll share it once approved. The wording we have covers most scenarios. For things like Yearbook and class photos, these are “mandatory” as it’s challenging to crop out individuals who don’t have permission. Out of 1,700+ students, so far we only have about 12 students who’s families have specific publishing requests that we need to be mindful of. Families who don’t respond, we automatically classify as “no photographs” until they submit the form.

    We have been trying to implement School Bench for over a year now but it is very time consuming and works using facial recognition technology. Training the system and managing photos is a full time job on its own – something that schools need to understand before implementing something like this. You also need to ensure/remind Staff to use the app’s camera rather than the phone camera AND delete photos from their device.

    I’ll check back on this thread soon.

    in reply to: Class and Student ID Photos #33152
    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    I feel that most schools actually do not have an understanding of what marketing does and the purpose. It tends to get lumped with Communications, Digital, Photography and Design which is not the case. Having come from a corporate and NFP organisations, the marketing function at schools is actually quite a mess to be quite frank.

    in reply to: Class and Student ID Photos #33151
    Ailene Hlaing
    Forum Participant

    In the past, it fell to Marketing. Since I’ve come on board, this task will now fall with the Admin team in collaboration with our Operations team. I agree, it is time consuming and is not a marketing task.

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