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Narrelle Paige

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  • in reply to: School managements systems. #35556
    Narrelle Paige
    Forum Participant

    We use Funnel and find it to tick all our boxes. Our processes have improved so much since we commenced using this 18 months ago. I’ve had no experience with Sentral.

    in reply to: School Prospectus #35247
    Narrelle Paige
    Forum Participant

    We have digital version only and are preparing to revamp it.

    in reply to: Currciulum Guides & Overwiews on websites #34864
    Narrelle Paige
    Forum Participant

    Thanks to you all for your wonderful insights.

    in reply to: Waitlists – Communication #34601
    Narrelle Paige
    Forum Participant

    Are you using a platform like Funnel? If so, you can create a customer journey and stay in touch with them. It might be touching base a few times a year, sharing your newsletter or videos, or sending birthday e-cards. Depending on how long they are on the waitlist will determine their customer journey. But I highly recommend Funnel from Digistorm to help manage this. Good luck.

    in reply to: Student Retention #34597
    Narrelle Paige
    Forum Participant

    Hi Karen

    This webinar would be so welcomed!! Retention can often be a pain point for many schools. Good luck with the search for a wonderful speaker to share their insights.

    Cheers Narrelle

    in reply to: Merchandise Suppliers #34459
    Narrelle Paige
    Forum Participant

    Hi there, I have been using Fyerside for years. Michael’s contact is:

    Michael Wilson | Sales Director
    0411 706 604 | | |

    Over the years we have purchased: charger squares, drink bottles, table cloths, bouncy balls, putty balls, sanitiser, sunscreen, tot bags (varieties), note pads, pens, texter sets, puzzles.

    He is super reliable and competitively priced.

    Good luck!

    in reply to: Digital Marketing Support #34383
    Narrelle Paige
    Forum Participant

    Hi there. DMC helped us with our digital strategy. Speak to Craig, and he will connect you with Amanda, the digital GURU.

    Narrelle Paige
    Forum Participant

    I did this at my last job, they’re a great idea. I would suggest DMC. They do all our signage.

    in reply to: 50 year anniversary event #34237
    Narrelle Paige
    Forum Participant

    Hi Mardi, we celebrated our 60th last year, and like you didn’t want the standard gala event. We focused on alumni and invited them to share their stories, which we then made into bug A2 boards around the College with their photos and stories. This inspired our existing students and staff.

    We also developed a beautiful water garden area on the school grounds. We were going to do a sculpture, but that was a little too expensive.

    In addition, we created a series of 3 videos on our various alumni and shared them across socials. Of course a section on the website highlighting the stories.

    We also had an alumni as a guest speaker for IWD. Other events included trivia for our community, families/students and a staff-only celebration. The gala ball was canned due to expense and lack of resources to manage it. Perhaps the best part was our ’60th Anniversary Reunion’ with over 250 alumni. We had beautiful catering, displays, a program and a lovely and heartfelt liturgy.

    I hope this helps with your ideas.

    PS – I might add that I did want to have a guest speaker series across the year with our alumni but just ran out of manpower to make it happen. Good luck!

    in reply to: Team Structures #34231
    Narrelle Paige
    Forum Participant

    Hi there. We sound similar in that we are a single-sex Catholic school with mid-range fees and 700 students. We have a director of Marketing and communications (F/T), a marketing officer (4 days), and a registrar (F/T). We are quite lean but have a massive output of work that we’re super proud of. Marketing does all community engagement work. Alumnae falls under the registrar, who has the support of the marcoms team.

    In an ideal world, I’d love an extra resource in the marcoms team and support for the registrar with admin. But I know of other similar schools with less resources than us.

    in reply to: Probationary Enrolment #34134
    Narrelle Paige
    Forum Participant

    I’d love to hear more from others on this topic. We, like most schools, require the families to acknowledge a code of conduct as part of the enrolment process at our College. To have a specific ‘probationary period’ is another level, but I’m keen to hear more from others!

    in reply to: Running separate social media channels #34089
    Narrelle Paige
    Forum Participant

    We only have our official Facebook page and an Alumnae page, anything more than that is too much in our book, of course we have our official Insta and LinkedIn. But I guess it really does depend on the size of your school. Our strategy is to have a certain number of varied posts per week, ie – acquisition/brand awareness, retention, community and Alumnae. Otherwise, too much of ‘the going on’s within school’ is too much. And we wouldn’t be letting our teachers manage any content at all if we did have other channels.

    in reply to: School Signage – WA #33375
    Narrelle Paige
    Forum Participant

    We use DMC. They did all our new signage across our College, they also do our honour boards and more. Good luck.

    in reply to: Staff sport uniform #33233
    Narrelle Paige
    Forum Participant

    Hi there, we have just starting using PSW. So far, so good! Good luck, sounds like you have many options!

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