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Sara Brocklesby

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  • in reply to: Parent Communication Survey #35562
    Sara Brocklesby
    Forum Participant

    Same here :-)

    Sara Brocklesby
    Forum Participant

    Hi Paloma,

    So many pros and cons to different platforms, I must admit I have not had a ‘perfect’ experience with any, only because teams are comprised of different people/different approaches/different preferences.

    In my current team we use Monday, which we’re evolving as we go and this is working well. Setting up different projects is straightforward, allocating responsibilities, automated emails reminding everyone of their tasks and due dates. I like the ‘to-do list’ style interface.

    In previous teams I have used the Microsoft suite (Planner + Teams + Sharepoint) which I worked really well. Having the different platforms integrate was excellent. Planner is a bit like Trello, you create project boards with different buckets of cards (cards = tasks).

    I have also used Trello which worked well, very simple to use. I’ve heard good things about Asana but that proved to be a bit too complex for some users.

    Hope this is helpful :-)


    in reply to: School Newsletter open rates #30063
    Sara Brocklesby
    Forum Participant

    Hi Caroline, the benchmark we used describes click through: Click-through rate, or email click rate, is the measure of how many people clicked on a hyperlink, call-to-action (CTA), or image within your email’s content.  

    in reply to: School Newsletter open rates #30051
    Sara Brocklesby
    Forum Participant

    Hi Tina,

    I’ve set some industry-based benchmarks using data provided by Campaign Monitor (the platform we use for our newsletter). Am always surprised how low the averages are! Melissa your 82% open rate is fantastic.

    – According to the Campaign Monitor 2022 Email Marketing Benchmarks Report, the average email open rate was 21.5%, across all industries in 2021.
    – The industries with the highest open rates are Education, Agriculture, and Financial Services.
    – The open rate for Education is 28.5%
    – The average click through rate for Education is 4.4%

    Ultimate Email Marketing Benchmarks for 2022: By Industry and Day

    in reply to: School magazine – do you still do one? #29434
    Sara Brocklesby
    Forum Participant

    Hi Carla,

    Thanks for raising this, here at ELTHAM College we are going to review aspects of our print publication suite. We’ll continue doing our annual yearbook but the College magazine, which traditionally was produced twice a year, is being looked at. At the moment I am thinking one print publication + one email newsletter per term. The magazine is for our alumni community but is distributed informally to other parts of our community.

    I agree with Tony’s point that some sections of our communities do value having a printed magazine. Worth doing if the resourcing (people and budget) and sustainability considerations line up.

    I like Leanne’s point about distributing ahead of EOFY, thanks for sharing.

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