b'Floor graphics - installed across the three campuses of Woodleigh School. Issues with durability outdoors. Excellent indoors. Very durable.I repeated this presentation to students and parents at ourThe effectiveness of the Adventurous Minds campaign isnt Minimbah and Penbank Campuses. At 5pm on Thursday 20merely reflected in an increase in numbers, but also in the July, Adventurous Minds went live on Facebook and Instagram,rising pride of students, the embrace of language by staff and the Woodleigh website, Vimeo and our newly launched YouTubethe proudly displayed stickers.Channel.AdventurousMindshasprovideduswitha AdventurousMindshasgivenusseparationfromourplatform to celebrate those experiences which competitors and unified our messaging.are genuinely life-changing for students. Those Our part-time editor, Lachie Waite, was appointed as a full-timewhichbuildcharacterandbecomereference staff member in 2018 via the AFL SportsReady Traineeshippoints for the rest of their lives. From a purely program. His appointment was revelatory. It has allowed us tomarketing perspective it has resulted in a huge continue to produce regular, consistently branded, high qualityuplift in enquires for enrolment.video content for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and websiteJonathan WalterPrincipalpublishing.The growth in numbers is outstanding. Information Session TheorganicreachofvideoonFacebookandInstagram,bookings increased by 49.5% (year on year), and tour bookings inparticular,meanswehavespentonlysmallamountsonhave increased by 63.9% over the same period. An additional boosting certain posts, such as the short film documentingYear 7 class (of 25 students) was added for the 2019 intake. one of our most adventurous programs, the Year 10 HattahBy involving students in the production and launchimmediate expedition. This video has reached nearly 27,000 people andtractionandownershipwasfound.ThevideosFacebook did an amazing job of (re)connecting with our alumni.statisticsa reach of 64,286, 2,490 reactions and comments, SeniorLeadershipandstaffhavecontinuouslysupported317sharesand161newfollowersinsixdaysexceeded theAdventurousMindsmessagingwithnewsletterarticles,expectations.editorial pieces, social media posts, parent presentations andAdventurousMindshassucceededindefiningourbrand tours. Our Adventurous Minds Scholarships attracted greaterbecause its message is honest, well-crafted and presented. interest and fantastic feedback from our Principal, JonathanAll community members feel part of a growing narrative. The Walter. comments on Facebook and Instagram and emails from Board Ourcampaignhasnotbeenwithoutitschallenges;mainlyand community members show that for Woodleigh School, the budgetandtimelimitations.Operatingin-houselimitsfit was right.costs,butittakesatremendousamountoftime.Design planning,artworkproduction,mediapurchasing,writing scripts, speeches and editorial content is not speedy work. Editingvideos,updatingsocialmediaprofilesandpostingADAM LIDDIARD and monitoring and responding to comments on Instagram,DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY RELATIONSFacebook and YouTube took significant time also. AdditionalWOODLEIGH SCHOOL, VICTORIAwebsite updates to language and images was another time pressure, all while keeping our department up to date with day-to-day operations and everything on budget! It all resulted in countless late nights and early starts.Image: Some of the 74 QLD delegates at the sport themed Gala Evening at the Educate Plus International Conference.'