b'FLEAATTIUNRUEMDPAARRTTICNLEER ADVERTORIALPBuilding a bigger visionThe heart of Burgmann College is its egalitarian ethos and deep belief in the value every member brings to the community. This unique not-for-profit residential college, supporting students of the Australian National University, holds relationship at its core. Yet, it was hesitant to explore amongst its community the potential for philanthropic support.T hat was until Principal Sallydelighted to help. Other experiencesand Positioning Study with potential Renouf went knocking onof cold calling were not so positive. supporters, including Alumni, parents the door of a local businessand volunteers. This involved not only executive, seeking a bursary toidentifying priority funding needs but support a deserving student. We recognised we needed advicecapturing Burgmanns vision, voice, and guidance, Sally says. So, weand the highly compelling story of contacted Global Philanthropic (GP). impacts it makes in the lives of its I literally just Googled this person,residents.Sally says. But it turned out he had a cherished connection to BurgmannThe GP teams first step was to create through his mothers decade-longthe Colleges Case for Support andThe community provided robust role as head of catering and wastest this as part of a Market Researchfeedback on what resonated and Ambitious for our clients, we can help you realise your potential for greater impact and bigger outcomes.T: +61 2 8324 7585E: asiapacific@globalphilanthropic.comglobalphilanthropic.comAmelia Zaraftis (left) and Sally Renouf (right) with Burgmann College foundation resident and Honorary Fellow Judy Middlebrook.18 FACE 2 FACE MAGAZINE'