b'FEATURED ARTICLEFEATUREAdmissions in these challenging times No matter where you are in the world, no matter the type, size, or mission of your school, the words challenge and different are part of our vernacular as we plan, design and seek to implement our strategies toward institutional success. In order to find the answers, Admission and enrolment professionals first need to recognise that change has become an unavoidable force. S ituations, goals, people, objectives are never statictowards these challenges will impact our ability to reachthe world is dynamic and constantly evolving.our goals. In essence, think disposition rather than the Yes, this is a time of different and more significantdestination.challenges as the impacts of today have resulted in broader trends, new habits and expectations on the part of parents, adults in our communities, and ultimately, ourI ask you to consider, despite all our strategic, planful and students.predictive work, we have lost the ability to be authentic, customer-centric, transparent and intentional in the context of our mission promise. As schools and offices, Admission and enrolment professionals are working,we spend excessive amounts of time managing the ever-growing and maturing as the profession has changedgrowing to-do list, when in fact, to avoid mission creep dramatically - both in the competencies needed toand establish brand clarity, we should create the not-succeed and the behaviours that we need to exhibit.to-do list. It will help you think of how your brand clarity, Everyone is seeking answers and strategies and there is amission promise, and value-add can become increasingly no time to waste mindset. Taking the time to assess andlaser focused. evaluate may be the vehicle to overcome our obstacles to success. A few suggestions. Lean into authenticity. Lean into grace. Make the case for your schools vision and brand with But before we can develop new strategies to triage theclarity and confidence.Embrace the challenge by seeking process and practice, schools should focus on leveragingthe training, support and advocacy you need to serve as a what they already have. In other words, the answersleader and a catalyst for change.may already be within your grasp by way of your existing school culture and mindset. Think about the mindset we have around the students we serve, educationally and emotionally. Creating a problem-solving and growth mindset is foundational to overcome present and future challenges. Now let us take that classroom approach and extend it to recruitment and retention practices. Remember, this is part of our role as educators. To seek to establish clarity around the connection between our schools opportunities and ourJanice Crampton families and students potential to succeed. Our attitude Executive Director | CEOAssociation of Independent School Admission Professionals (AISAP)NOVEMBER 2021 87'