b'FLEAATTIUNRUEMDPAARRTTICNLEER ADVERTORIALPUnderstand what sources are3.Fundraising: Want to learn more? Check out working for new enquiries In real-time know the status ofthese resources:See demographic information toFundraising or pledges. Synergetic Dashboards Galleryunderstand your community better.See which appeals have hit theDownload a sample board reporttarget2.Future Students:Identify the top donors in your Know the health of future studentcommunityenrolment numbers at a glance.Compare appeal revenue over See demographic trends to maketime to employ strategies to more informed Marketing andbuild financial capacity.Enrolment decisionsKnow the status of current applicationsUnderstand the enrolment status of prospective studentsGet real-time insightsW I T HS Y N E R G E T I CD A S H B O A R D S Interactive dashboards include:Future StudentsFundraising See examples Student Absences and learn more External Test Results about Synergetic Financial Reporting, and more Dashboards26 FACE 2 FACE MAGAZINESynergetic is brought to you by Education Horizons'