b'FLAATTIUNRUEMDPAARRTTICNLEER ADVERTORIALPEBrand consistency and why its important for your schoolA s much as Marketing isintends to be recognised.have with your audiences e.g. future sometimes considered anYour school crest and/or wordmark,and current families, staff, leadership unfortunate necessity in thecolour palette, typography, imageryteam, administrators, and suppliers, education sector, with the thoughtand tone all combine to create yourneeds to be derived from the same of having to create a brandunique brand voice.foundational messaging. The uncomfortably aligned with retailmyriad of school communications giants like Apple and Nike, itsbeing distributed daily need to be important to recognise the benefits itThe school brand that is developeddependably consistent to reinforce offers to your school. is akin to a living being. It has antrust in your schools brand.identity and personality, name, Considered thoughtful investmentculture, vision, emotion andBrand consistency builds trust in your Marketing strategies andintelligence. A brand has the power brand can help to nurture trust andto reach out and connect to yourIf your audience doesnt trust your loyalty, increase enrolments, growaudiences, allowing you to stand outbrand, they will not remain engaged or school pride, and solidify communityfrom your competitors. Your brand isloyal for the long term.cohesion.your schools first impression. FirstA strong brand elicits trust in impressions count, is yours a goodits consumers and clients in any one? industry. In the education sector, What is a brand? Why does itwhere trust is paramount for any need to be consistent? Having consistency in your brandingschool, the stakes are high. A future FIREFLY_Face2Face2021Advert_PRINT.pdf 1 12/8/21 7:57 pm family that might be considering The brand of your school is the sumis key to Marketing your schoolvarious schools for their child will do of expressions by which your schoolsuccessfully. Every interaction you CMYCMMYCYCMYK4 4 FACE 2 FACE MAGAZINE'