b'FEATURED ARTICLEVirtual tours & digital-first Marketing strategies post-COVID-19I n this last period we all saw theWhere does this leave virtualWhats next for virtual tours? importance of having a strongexperiences post-COVID-19? We believe virtual tours post-digital first Marketing strategy.Many of our clients have been tellingCOVID-19 will be integrated into This means a parents initialus that they see virtual tours as aadvertising campaigns, school impression of your school isntmainstay on their school websites. websites, microsites, embedded into through a billboard or a visit to yourprospectuses through the use of QR school grounds, but is establishedTheyve seen how time-poor local,codes and be predominately used as from the effectiveness of your onlineinterstate and overseas parentsa parents initial digital impression of and digital presence.havebenefited from a virtual touryour school.This is how YouTours Even schools with a strong reputationexperience during this last period.were used pre-COVID-19, and now and brand awareness need to createSchools know that once a parentwith parents more familiar with an engaging digital presence, sincetakes a physical tour of their campusvirtual tours they will continue to be this trend will only continue tothe likelihood of them enrolling theiressential for schools.accelerate as Gen Y parents (akachild increases dramatically. Digital Natives) join the ranks ofOur clients often tell us that parents your school. who take physical tours have alreadyWhats next for YouTour?explored their campus virtually andYouTour Version 5.0 is the this gave them the confidence toculmination of all of these trends book an on-campus tour. coming together in one simple and easy to use platform. Schools can create microsites, virtual tours, QR codes, VR apps, and use analytics to hyper-target future parents and students. Giving them immersive digital-first experiences. View our virtual launch presentation at: youtour.appFor further information Contact Dan Bunker on 1800 979 760 or dan@youtour.com.auwww.youtour.com.auNOVEMBER 2021 79'